Introducing Inversion Conversion Lite:

a FREE 14-day Straight-Arm Invert School 

Helping you pinpoint the strength & mobility missing in your body to nail clean inverts!
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  • 10 LESSONS teaching you everything you need to know about straight-arm inversions: the physics, the phases of the movement, the muscle engagements, the mobility requirements, & how to put it all together.
  • A digestible format delivered right to your inbox with no pressure to complete on any arbitrary schedule: collect all of the lessons & experiment on your body on your own time. Starts as soon as you sign up!
  • WHAT TO FOCUS ON VS. WHAT DOESN'T MATTER FOR YOU: Save time in your training by determining what's holding YOU back & targeting it.

Join FREE Course Now

Straight-Arm Inversions Are the Worst.

Ok, maybe not the WORST. But if you've made it here, they're probably keeping you up at night.

Do you feel...

  • frustrated that you have gotten this far in your training but still struggle with this "easy" skill?
  • like something is missing in your approach but you just can't figure out what that is?
  • that no matter how much you work on them, they never get any better?
  • embarrassed that you can't get something that others pick up so quickly? 
  • unsure how to do such as a complex skill much less how to coach it?

If you said yes to any of the above, then this course is for you.

This course is not for absolute beginners. It's for aerialists who have worked at least some on straight-arm inversions but cannot get them to feel effortless or be pain-free. There are no prerequisites besides a solid two-arm hang from any apparatus.

Why Inversion Conversion Lite?

When I started training aerial over a decade ago, it was wild. Most of the knowledge we have today either didn’t exist or wasn’t easily accessible.

If your coach said "do a thing," you either trusted them blindly and did it... or you didn’t do aerial. Because those were your choices.

No one was there to tell me what was safe for my shoulders or how to gain overhead mobility. And surprise, surprise... I got injured. Badly. The doctors weren't exactly sure what was causing my pain, but I couldn't raise my left arm over my head and my shoulder would sublux in my sleep.

The amazing part is that I found a TEAM of movement professionals who I relied on as a sounding board as I self-rehabbed my shoulder. I radically altered my approach and learned everything I could about human movement. I became a Gyrotonic trainer. I studied nutrition. I got various movement certifications. I went ALL the fuck in. And it worked.

Today, you are so lucky. You don’t have to be a pioneer. There is so much information ready for the taking.

Speaking of ready, I'm ready to share the things I have learned about biomechanics, mobility, strength training, and more so that you can skip a lot of the pain that I went through.

You don't have to continue to struggle not knowing if what you're doing is "right" or right for your body!

Here's How It Works:

  • You get 10 LESSONS on straight-arm inverts delivered straight to your inbox over the course of 14 days.
  • The lessons tackle different aspects of the motion that you can then TRY OUT on your own body.
  • If you tag me in your Instagram videos as you work through the course, I'll give you PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK to help you progress more quickly.
  • My goal for you is to UNDERSTAND what's not working & why, so that you can target the hell out of it in your training & GET RESULTS.


Hi, I'm your coach, Jessica John👋🏻

I'm the founder of Circus Mobility. I stumbled upon circus as an adult, and I was hooked from my first aerial silks class. At that time, I was a leadership analyst at the CIA with a weird hobby. Slowly but surely I allowed that weird hobby to take over my life. I became an aerialist and eventually a master coach to pole and aerial performers and teachers all over the globe.

My coaching philosophy is evidence-based and multidisciplinary, addressing technical, strength, mobility, nutrition, mindset, and creative challenges as they arise. I use sport and exercise psychology theoretical frameworks to design performance programs that help my clients achieve their goals through habit-based change. My practice is applied and practical, aimed at helping driven aerialists reach their highest potential.

You're here because you want more options. You're sick of feeling run-down, beat up, and like you're just treading water with your skills.

You know that you need to do something different. Well, you're in the right place. You're my people.

Frequently Asked Questions


Who is Inversion Conversion Lite for exactly?

It is for aerialists at all levels struggling with straight-arm inverts. The inversion is a foundational aerial movement that has different strength and mobility demands depending on the individual. It is not for the beginner beginner. The course assume that you have comfort from hanging from 2 arms and that you can get upside down with a bent arm inversion although it might not be pretty.

What's the catch? Are you selling something?

This 14-day course is completely free. You are NOT on the hook to buy anything. Honestly, I created this course because I wish the information had existed when I was killing my body trying to straight-arm invert. 😢 You'll leave the course with clarity, direction, and knowing what you need to do to be successful.

What if I am more advanced? Will I still benefit from this?

You definitely will! You will come away with tidbits you might not have even realized were happening in your body. If you're a coach, you'll come away with better ways to coach the skill and evaluate progressions on different bodies.

Any additional questions? Email me!