Are you ready to stop choosing between getting skills & staying un-injured?


If you feel like traditional training methods are leaving you behind, you've found your community in...

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Aerial Training, Evolved


Supporting neurodivergent, hypermobile, aging, "it's complicated" bitches to make progress without injury & burnout

Join TODAY for just $49/mo >>

Let me guess...



Do any of these sound like YOU?

  • You're not sure what to focus on next because you're mostly training things you or your students find on Insta. (And with so many classes and resources available online, you don't know where to start or what will actually help you.)
  • You've hit a plateau and can't seem to break through to the next skill or level. (You wonder if you've overlooked some foundational work in the past, making it difficult to tackle higher-level skills confidently.)
  • You find it hard to maintain a consistent training schedule, often feeling unmotivated or unsure. (Maybe that's because previous injuries keep you from fully committing to your training, leaving you anxious and frustrated about losing skills you once had.)
  • You often train alone or don't have a community who understands your journey, making it hard to stay inspired. (You feel like you're often winging it rather than following a clear path to reach your goals.)
  • You feel lost when it comes to picking movements that aren't going to break your body. (Especially when every day your body feels totally different due to flares or hormones.)
  • You believe if you don't complete a full session, it's not worth it, which leads to stress and guilt. (Your past perfectionism sometimes sneaks back into your training).
  • You feel like you have a ton of skills floating around in your brain, but you don't know how those moves fit together fluidly. (You can barely remember their names, much less string them together in a freestyle.)




Got aerial ADHD? Why limit yourself to just one apparatus? The Parish offers a variety of disciplines—silks, hoop, pole, handstands, and more—allowing you to explore and find what resonates with your practice on any given day.

Overwhelmed by training options? The Parish consolidates everything into one easy-to-navigate space. Access hundreds of recorded classes with new content added regularly, ensuring you always have what you need at your fingertips.

Short on time? No problem! With structured classes and clear guidance, you won’t waste time figuring things out on your own. And with short classes and tutorials you can avoid the mindset that a full session is the only way to progress.

Tired of the feast/famine training cycle? We emphasize consistent, sustainable training that helps you build the strength and mobility to support your aerial goals. 

Always injured? Understanding how to listen to your body is crucial. We’ll help you manage your nervous system so you can train effectively based on how you feel each day, especially in a body that takes a little extra love and attention to detail.

Not sure if you're doing it "right?" In the Parish, there are no right or wrong answers—just what feels appropriate for your body and aligns with your goals. We promote self-trust and experimentation as you navigate your aerial practice. Our freestyle movement prompts and curated playlists encourage you to express yourself and explore your unique style.

Want to meet other folks in your weird little boat? Join us for monthly live community classes or at our annual meet-up--this year in Bend, Oregon--where we come together to share ideas, learn, and grow like scrappy weeds that make some fucking beautiful flowers.

Join the SQUAD >>




Aerial Body Problemsolving 

Learn to move efficiently and prepare not only for the “you” of today but also the "you" of the future—without the stress and anxiety of figuring it all out alone and wondering if you're doing it right.


Aerial Breakthrough Sleuthing

Make your dream aerial skills a reality by identifying what is going to help you move the dial quickly to ward them while avoiding injury, so that you achieve skills you once thought impossible on a speedy timeline.


Aerial Mindset Engineering

Train like a whole person, not a machine, and stop grinding away on someone else’s goals. Find genuine motivation to train hard and recover hard by getting crystal clear on why you love aerial and how to inject more of THAT into your workouts.



Invest in your aerial journey today! Gain access to:

  • a diverse library of mobility, handstand, strength training, & aerial & pole technique classes and tutorials tailored to your body & brain needs
  • monthly live community sessions to move with others and get live feedback and cueing
  • a supportive network of aerialists and coaches to connect & share your own knowledge
  • exclusive resources and content all in one place on a range of training topics, including shoulder positioning, pelvic stability, & core awareness
  • priority access to private lessons & the annual Experimental Aerial Meeting (to be held in Bend, OR in 2025





 CLICK HERE  & download the Circus Mobility app



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Monthly Member


Enjoy the convenience of paying over time!

Annual Member


Pay for a year up front & get 2 months for free! 



Tangible Solutions to Complex Body Problems

As a member of The Parish, you’ll have access to tailored resources that address specific needs within our community. You won’t receive generic advice that you could find from any personal trainer or pilates class.  Our approach helps you navigate complex body issues of aerialists with actionable advice, leading to faster progress with less injury and burnout.

Whole-Person Approach

We treat every member as a whole ass person with lives and responsibilities outside of the studio and brains that like to BRAIN. Our community shares insights and experiences outside of sets and reps, ensuring everyone benefits from a rich pool of knowledge and support for their neurodivergence, tweaks and pulls, frustrations with aging, and more.

Flexible Depth of Focus

Whether you’re diving deep into a particular skill or exploring broader training concepts, The Parish offers a range of classes and resources to adapt to your individual journey. The diversity of our offerings, including on eight different apparatuses, allows you to choose what best suits your needs at any given time.

Pattern Recognition

Together, we identify movement patterns and training obstacles that may go unnoticed. Our members share their insights, helping each other optimize their performance and break through their physical and mental barriers.

Clear Coaching with Space for Big Feelings

Our community embraces direct, clear communication. We hold each other accountable while providing the support needed to foster growth, ensuring you feel empowered throughout your journey and holding space for big feelings.

Diversity & Inclusivity 

The Parish is dedicated to navigating various levels of ability and disability, acknowledging how those can shift from day to day. Our members support one another, creating an inclusive atmosphere where everyone can thrive and find their unique place within the community. This space prioritizes women of color, queer, trans and nonbinary folks, and other marginalized identities. We have a zero-tolerance policy for transphobia, racism, anti-Blackness, homophobia, classism, ableism, & body shaming.

Sign up TODAY >>


I'm an aerial coach and mentor with almost two decades in this industry. I did not take any traditional route. No full-time professional training programs. No lifelong commitment to the pursuit of perfect toe point. I did not receive the blessings of the aerial illuminati. I did not genuflect when my name was called.

What I was, always, was CURIOUS, even if it was just climbing trees in my backyard. When my parallel bar routines did not get me discovered on the playground, I moved on to tennis and then dance and later skiing. I was never particularly gifted in any of them.

When I stumbled onto aerial silks and dance trapeze in my early thirties, it felt like coming home. The curiosity that turned me onto tennis, dance, and skiing is the same curiosity that drew me to aerial. So I traveled far and wide to seek out teachers. I investigated techniques outside of circus that unlocked doors to so many skills. I read. I studied. I read some more. I took every opportunity that came my way. There weren't many, so I began creating my own opportunities.

The Parish is the feminist AF aerial community that would have blown my mind when I got tired of straps bros mansplaining me about what was happening in my body. I am committed to sharing the wisdom of the many great women who inform my personal movement practice. I hope to helping other women find their aerial home outside of a dopamine-hit aerial culture that apologizes for its imperfections instead of treasuring the "mistakes" required for deep knowing.

"Jessica's approach to mobility is a brilliant combination of rehab, research, and flexibility. Flexibility training used to be a really painful experience for me and not something I'd stuck with for more than a few weeks at a time. Being in the Parish, I've done more mobility than I have in my life."

Michelle Gardner

"I love the brave feminist space that . . . Circus Mobility is and represents. I also love that Jessica makes herself so available for direct communication. I find dealing directly with the coach behind the program is so important. I feel cared for as an individual rather than part of a business machine!"

Jess Allen



Maybe. Or maybe you are searching for much more than your local studio can can provide. 

Maybe you're tired of petty politics and favoritism.

Or maybe you love your studio and its peeps, but they just don't have the deep expertise to help you get where you want to go in your wacky body.

In The Parish, we get curious about the details and what makes you different, because that's the special sauce not just to find efficient techniques for your body, but also to help you move is a way that feels and looks GOOD.

We place priority on sensation and awareness, knowing that we don't want to be strangers inside our own bodies.

We notice how our practices have a ripple effect through our muggle lives and our circus, pole, or aerial dance communities.

We cater to the artist who only performs for their saluki in the backyard as much the one with the big contract.

We foster a brave, inclusive virtual space that advocates for and amplifies disabled and diverse voices.

We're those bitches. Want to join us?

The Parish Experimental Aerial Meeting in Wales, UK, in 2024.


Sign up & Join us Bend, OR, next year >>

You Have Questions.

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